So I found a new musician I really like thanks to my director/teacher Chris. It's a band called Beirut. It's indy gypsy. I like it alot! It got me started on an idea too. I decided I'm going to take a swing at mask making. I collect them, but I want to make em! Yes, one more thing to add to my stuff of things I want to do. I always get these projects that I want to do and spread myself too thin on most of them. The ones I do accomplish turn out pretty good though for the most part. So far my big projects for the year are to:
Get really good at mask making
Learn to play the accordion
Get my Shakespeare project started
Play the violin as a street performer in Salt Lake City
Read Talking to Tesla (why cant I find time to read anything other than school stuff and plays?)
Save up all my money for Europe far I have a mask made and am on my way with the accordion.... thats all. Oh well.